Marriage Application US Silver

At this time, are both applicants age 18 or older?*
At this time, has a divorce been granted to either applicant within the last 60 days?*

Wedding Date and Time

At what time and date do you wish to be married? Please note that any time outside of our business hours (Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm MST) may be subject to an additional appointment fee of $99.
Appointment Time*
Appointment Date*
Your Full Name*
Fiance Full Name*

Marriage Certificate Details

Name of Recipient*

Additional Information

Do You Require Witnesses?*
There must be 2 witnesses at your wedding. Should you need witnesses we can provide them:
Do You Wish to Have Your Ceremony Completed Within 24 Hours?*
I Certify and Declare*
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Utah that the information I have provided on this marriage license application form is true and correct. I also declare that I am not under duress, nor am I under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Clear Signature