Marriage License vs. Marriage Certificate, What’s The Difference?

Unsure about a marriage license and a marriage certificate? Not sure if you need one or both? You’re not alone. We’ll break it down for you! Learn the differences between the two. That way, you can decide which is right for you.

Introduction to Marriage License VS Certificate

A marriage license and a marriage certificate are two different documents. A license gives the couple permission to marry, while a certificate proves they are legally wed.

The license is signed by the couple, officiant, and witnesses. It must be filed with the correct government agency. The certificate is proof of the marriage. It has the date and place of the wedding, along with the couple’s names, and witnesses’ signatures.

Both should be kept safe. The license must be obtained before the wedding and the certificate is received afterwards.

Tip: Check the requirements for getting a license in your area to avoid any last-minute problems with your wedding.

What is a Marriage License?

A marriage license is a legal document that grants permission for a couple to wed. It’s obtained from the county clerk’s office and must be presented to the officiant at the wedding. But a marriage certificate proves that a marriage has taken place.

The difference? A license gives permission to marry, and a certificate proves it has happened.

To get a license, couples must go in person with ID documents like a passport, driver’s license, or birth certificate. The fee varies by state. After the ceremony, the officiant sends the signed license to the county clerk’s office. Then, the couple can get a copy of their marriage certificate.

Pro tip: Remember, a marriage license has an expiry date. The wedding must take place within the time frame, or they’ll need to reapply.

What is a Marriage Certificate?

A marriage certificate is an official paper that shows two people are wed. It has details of the couple and the wedding. It’s different from a marriage license. A license permits a couple to marry. But a certificate comes after the wedding, as proof they are married. It can be used when handling legal stuff like insurance, social security benefits, and property rights. To sum up: a license allows marriage, and a certificate proves it.

Differences between a Marriage License and Certificate

A marriage license and a marriage certificate are often used interchangeably, but there are differences between them. A marriage license is a legal document granting a couple permission to marry. It requires both individuals’ signatures and a witness, and is only valid for a certain period.

On the other hand, a marriage certificate is a document that serves as proof of marriage. It is issued by the government after the wedding ceremony and the paperwork is finished. It includes the couple’s names, the date and location of the wedding, and the names of witnesses and officiants.

In conclusion, a marriage license is the permission to marry, while a marriage certificate is the proof of marriage.

Who is Eligible to Obtain a Marriage License?

A marriage license is a doc that allows couples to get married in a certain timeframe. It’s not the same as a marriage certificate. To get one, couples must meet certain requirements like age, identity, and legal status.

Who can get a marriage license? People 18+ usually can. Sometimes minors with parental consent or a court order. ID like driver’s licenses, passports, or birth certificates are needed too. They must be single, divorced, or widowed.

A marriage license just gives permission for the wedding. To get a marriage certificate, the signed marriage license must be returned to the issuing office.

How to Obtain a Marriage License

Before tying the knot, it’s essential to obtain a marriage license. This grants you the legal right to wed. Note that a marriage license is different from a marriage certificate!

A marriage license is a legal document couples need prior to their big day. It permits them to get married and sign the marriage certificate after the ceremony. To get a marriage license, couples need to present identification, proof of age, and sometimes a blood test, based on which state they are getting married in.

On the other hand, a marriage certificate is evidence of the marriage license’s completion. It recognizes the couple’s marriage officially and includes the date, time, and place of their ceremony, plus the officiant’s signature.

Be sure to research the marriage license requirements and application process for your state or country ahead of time, to prevent any last-minute issues!

How to Obtain a Marriage Certificate

A marriage license and a marriage certificate are not the same. The license is a legal document that allows a couple to wed. The certificate is a record of the marriage.

Here’s what to do for a certificate after the wedding:

  1. Contact the office of vital records in the state you married in.
  2. Fill out the application form. You’ll have to provide personal info like name, address, birthdate.
  3. Show proof of ID, like driver’s license or passport.
  4. Pay the fee. It changes by state and may be higher for faster processing.
  5. Wait a few weeks for the certificate to arrive in the mail.

Pro tip: Get a certificate! This is important for legal matters like name change, spousal benefits, filing taxes together.


In conclusion, it is essential to recognize the distinction between a marriage license and a marriage certificate.

A marriage license is a legal document that allows a couple to wed. It is typically acquired from a county clerk’s office and necessitates both parties to provide personal details and ID. Additionally, the license states the time-frame of the marriage and any legal limitations.

A marriage certificate, however, is a document that proves marriage. It contains the names of both individuals, the date/venue of the marriage ceremony, and the signatures of witnesses and officiants. This is usually presented by the county clerk’s office after the signed license is returned and the marriage ceremony is complete.

Bearing these differences in mind will help with the legal aspects of getting married and confirm that all required documents are in order.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a marriage license?

A marriage license is a legal document issued by the government that authorizes a couple to get married. It is usually obtained from the local county clerk’s office.

What is a marriage certificate?

A marriage certificate is a legal document that proves that a marriage has taken place. It is also issued by the government and is usually obtained from the same office that issued the marriage license.

What is the difference between a marriage license and a marriage certificate?

The main difference between a marriage license and a marriage certificate is that the license is issued before the wedding and certifies that a couple is allowed to get married. The certificate, on the other hand, is issued after the wedding and certifies that the marriage has taken place.

What information is required to obtain a marriage license?

The information required to obtain a marriage license includes personal identification such as driver’s licenses or birth certificates, and in some cases, proof of divorce or death of a previous spouse. The couple may also be required to undergo a blood test or attend premarital counseling depending on the state or county.

Do I need a marriage license and/or certificate to get married?

Yes, a marriage license is required to legally get married in most states, while a marriage certificate is issued after the wedding has taken place to certify that the marriage is now official.

What do I do if I lose my marriage license or certificate?

If you lose your marriage license or certificate, you can usually request a copy from the office that issued it. There may be a fee involved and some offices may require additional documentation or proof of identity.